I only altered the recipie from Smitten Kitchen by a smidge so you can find the recipe there.
I did brown the butter before adding Next time I want to try using maybe 1/2 cup less flour as they didn't do as well the next day as I would have liked.
So good - we meant to send a couple of these to our neighbors... yeah with the exception of Susan who decided to drop by as per my "Open Cookie Jar" policy with our neighbors, they never made it out the door... guess that means that the Chocolate Chip and Fudge from last night will have to go out instead
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Brussels Sprouts, those two words have the power to drive children out of the room with their hands over their ears faster then any other two words I know... which is understandable when you consider they don't react much better to most vegetables... fair enough
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It is very rare that I see a predominantly vegetarian recipe and immediately feel the need to reproduce it. But this looked far too tasty to pass up - and it had the added benefit of being something I knew my beautiful wife would love... it also seemed perfect for a cold winters night
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Since I was a little girl the holiday times have meant spiced nuts - usually bought in those crinkly paper cones you buy when drifting through the mall in search of the perfect presents... it's a matter of nostalgia... that and they just taste damn good
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I put off grocery shopping two days past our normal date, we were out of bread and my lunch meat was 3 days past expiration anyway. There was flat out nothing in the house that wasn't going to take forever to make. I was hungry and frustrated... what's a girl to do
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I have never decorated sugar cookies in my life, this despite my 35 years on this planet and the fact that the humble sugar cookie is my all time favorite cookie. So this year for the holidays I though I'd give it a go. The first thing you need if you're going to decorate cookies is the right cookie, it has to be soft enough so that you wont chip
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